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Governor Thomas Bragg (1810-1872); Confederate General Braxton Bragg (1817-1876); and Congressman John Bragg (1806-1878), brothers, were among the six sons of Thomas and Margaret Bragg. All attended Warrenton Male Academy. The elder Thomas Bragg was a contractor responsible for much of the historic architecture in Warren County. The oldest son, John, moved to Alabama in 1835 and there pursued a political career, serving in the U.S. House. Thomas Bragg served as governor of North Carolina from 1855 to 1859. Braxton Bragg, graduate of West Point, served in the Mexican War and had a controversial tenure as Confederate commander. After his service in Mexico, Bragg returned to Warren County on August 8, 1848, amidst a celebration. Fort Bragg is named for him.
After the Civil War the Bragg house had an African American owner, Henry Plummer, and housed female teachers who had moved from the North to teach freedmen. The two teachers attended Warrenton’s Episcopal church but, otherwise, did not mix in the local social circles of the day. The principal tenants during those years were Albert and Annie Burgess, well-respected members of the black community. The house has been much altered over the years.
Lizzie Wilson Montgomery, Sketches of Old Warrenton, North Carolina (1924)
Kenneth McFarland, The Architecture of Warren County, North Carolina, 1770s to 1860s (2001)
William S. Powell, ed., Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, I, 207-209—sketches by C. E. Pitts
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